Sunday, July 22, 2012

One week...5 days

So, I just wanted to do a full week of my outfits, as well as showcase some cute folks in my office.  It's nice to get inspiration and encouragement from so many people around me.  I'm really trying to step up my game and I"m trying to never leave the house looking crazy, not that I did before.  With the exception of course when I'm leaving the house early for the gym.


On Monday I actually made it into the gym so I needed an outfit I could fold up and put in a gym bag.  This was the first day in a long time that I didn't wear anything from Anthro, shocker.

  • The shirt is from H&M, I believe I got it for around $34.99.  I bought it before I went to FNO last year and didn't start wearing it a lot until this year. 
  • The little blue tank top pics up the colors of the shirt so nicely.  I picked that up at Madewell for all of $10 bucks.  These tank tops fit so well and they never stretch out of shape.  
  • My pants are from Uniqlo and I think they were around $29 dollars.  I had no idea what I was going to pair them with; I was pretty happy to see they match this top so well.
  • Shoes from L&T, BCBG for around $50.  They are in high rotation in my summer wardrobe.  I get so many compliments on them.


Tuesday I was still feeling colorful. 

  • I decided to don my bright yellow skirt that I wear all year round.   Of course it's from Anthro, I coveted it for quite a while until the price went down to $30.  I was going to pair it originally with a bright fuchsia silk shell that I saw in Anthro but decided not to buy it #kickingmyself.  That shell was $30 bucks and dry clean only which is why I left it but I should have just bought it anyway.  I could have done so many things with it.  I realize now that $30 dollars for a top is not that bad.  I didn't really have anything to wear with this skirt originally but I have since remedied that.  
  • This top is also from Anthro, I just recently picked it up a couple of weeks ago for around $29 bucks.   
  • The shoes were gifted to me from Rocio (, of course they're Cole Hahn and surprisingly very comfortable.  Thanks girl, I take all hand me downs!

Tuesday con't

 Wednesday I felt like being a little classy.  I could not figure out what to wear that morning so for ha ha's I tried on this skirt that never used to fit me.  It slipped on with no problem.  My solution to gaining weight and attempting to lose is to work out every so often and not eat dinner.  Oh, and to stop snacking.  Pipe down Jesica!
Wed con't
  • So the jacket cost me $30 bucks in Anthro when they were having their "Everything Must Go" sale around Christmas.  I will definitely be there again at that time.  
  • I picked up that shirt at Marshall's for $20.  I was originally going to gift it to my friend Shanyelle for her birthday many years back but I fell in love with it and couldn't bear to part with it.  It's made out of linen so it's perfect for this time of the year.
  • The skirt is from The Gap and very old.  I think I bought it over 10 years ago but really didn't wear it that much because I wasn't confident enough.  I've grown to realize that if I'm comfortable everyone else will be comfortable with it too.  I have no idea how much I paid for it but seeing as it's the gap back in the day it couldn't have been more than $19.
  • These shoes are the shiny ones I wore the graduation party a while back.  I believe they were around $50 bucks at L&T.
  • The necklace was gifted to me by Chris and Jessica for my birthday; it matches perfectly with that jacket.  I've been searching for something to wear it with.
 Sometimes I get stuck in an all black rut.  I used to wear it all the time so I have an abundance of it in my closet.  If I can't figure out what to wear some day's I just go back to black.
Thursday con't
  • That top was purchased at the San Francisco Gap for $11 last year.  They were having a crazy sale and even though I really shouldn't have I went in and went crazy.  I mean, we have a Gap here but I didn't know if I could find this top here.  
  • Those are my Joe Fresh pants that I got for around $30ish bucks.  I can't remember the exact price but I know they were between $30 and $40 dollars.
  •  Those shoes are old, really old.  They're BCBG and I think I got them from Marshall's maybe 8 years ago.  I didn't wear them that much cause they felt odd on my ankles but they look so good on that I just have to grin and bear it.
TGIF!!!!  It was chilly but nice on Friday so I was having a hard time figuring out what to wear.  I picked this out the night before cause I went to the gym that morning.  Thank goodness it kinda worked.

  • That is my J. Crew chambray shirt that I purchased for full price at $78.  Although I'm having a hard time with that price I still love this piece so much.  I can't wait to wear it with a skirt in the fall.
  • That's the tank I got and wore to the beach the first time, the one from Anthro that cost all of $14 bucks.  It's super soft and very comfy.
  • These are my Curve Levi's; these things fit like a glove and they are so soft.  I bought them one trip to NYC at Dr. Jay's in The Bronx.  I love going to the shops in The Bronx and Harlem for sneakers and jeans.  It's not expensive and they always have fresh to def options.
  • Those are my beloved shoes from L&T, the BCBG ones I rocked on Monday.  The are so comfy.
A huge shout out to JP Higgy for taking my picture everyday.  I think you and I have a good thing going.

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