Sunday, June 24, 2012

Michael Kors, where have you been all my life?

So, back in November I had a pretty big birthday.  I mean, this lady turned 40...that's huge!  This lady loves some birthday's; they don't even have to be mine but let's celebrate regardless.  So, I walked that West Farms Mall searching desperately for a dress.  I had already seen this MK dress but figured I didn't want to spend the $150 on it because I really didn't feel I would every wear it again.  I tried on so many dresses that were cute but  I found the MK dress in L&T and got it on sale for $118.  I mean, I'll take a percentage no matter how small at least I didn't pay full price right?  I'm still working on getting my monies worth but it's not like I can wear this dress to work...or can I?

Love the accents on this dress

So, I figured out how to add my goes nothing. ;-)  Just check out how this baby moves, and talk about comfy!  I had a few glasses of Lillet (see prior post) prior to getting my groove on in Jes' kitchen.  Don't judge me, this is how excited I am about clothing.  So my brother took this video of me, he's just as crazy as I am...thanks Steve!!!


  1. Love this soooo hard Nat! You look amazing!

    1. Thanks Su! I can't wait to see you soon and get some snaps of you! No one is safe...
