Friday, June 22, 2012

Dear brother...

So, I informed that brother of mine that I was uploading his picture to my blog whether he liked it or not.  He whined a bit and said how he hates his pictures and he doesn't want to be on the blog.  Guess who sent me a picture in the middle of the night (again he's in CA) to show me his outfit?  I mean who would send a blogger a picture of himself if he doesn't want to get blogged about?  Anyway, he's going up regardless of if he likes it or not!

These aren't the clearest pictures; they must not have been taken with an iPhone but you get the gist of what I'm saying about his style.  Chuck Taylors and a bow tie, I couldn't dream this up if I tried.

This next pic is a close-up so at least you can see some texture.  I'm not sure who his friend is but I think he's the person that has encouraged my brother to rock a bow tie.  Needless to say, I would like to thank him for encouraging additional swag.  Also, peep the glasses on these two!!  Hello, just fab!

Look how he incorporates the checkered pattern and the bright yellow tie.  He's not afraid to mix his patterns, and yes it's kind of another plaid.  I'm going to request that his next picture doesn't involve plaid but I don't think he can do it.  I love, love, love the purple on his friend.

I believe they were at some artsy fartsy exhibit or something...who knows but you know how Cali life can be.  I miss you so bad CA!!!!

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